My Grandma’s Closet
is named for my Grandma Sylvia's amazing fashion sense. It has evolved into a hand-picked, curated collection of novelty and designer vintage that I find and love, naturally reflecting my taste and style.

M y G r a n d m a ' s C l o s e t
was spawn from my eye for fashion and personal style choices, but I became even more eager to pursue its success once becoming environmentally conscious and aware of the positive impact encouraging others to purchase recycled clothing could have on the environment and our society.

The life span of a garment does not biodegrade once it goes out of fashion. The overflow of mass produced clothing may be priced cheaply, but is causing a serious danger to the environment on a global scale, as it is leaving its carbon footprint much larger than any runway. I contribute through running a sustainable company by wearing and selling (thus encouraging others to wear) vintage clothing.

Clothing made in the past has sustained itself because it was made so well, which is much different than today's fast fashion "binge." The clothing and material were of quality and are timeless.

My Grandma's Closet featured in Editorials for UO BLOG | urbanoutfitters.com